
No New Posts Announcements

All big announcements will be posted here. High rank applications, site changes, and rule changes can be updated at any moment - so please check this board regularly in order to keep yourself updated!

2 2 [Open!] MeadowClan Leader Application
by Pants
Jan 5, 2023 18:44:27 GMT
No New Posts Rules

This is a mandatory thread that we expect you to read when first joining. All rules regarding role-play and general etiquette will be posted here and they must be followed.

3 3 Character Requirements
by amber
Apr 26, 2020 20:11:03 GMT
No New Posts Guides

This is where all guides can be found. These are mandatory reads so you understand the lore, clan requirements, and general information regarding the role-play.

13 13 Non-Player Characters (NPCs)
by stray
Jan 3, 2023 23:58:28 GMT
No New Posts Staff Introductions - 1 Viewing

Want to know more about the people that run this website and set up the events? Well, you're in the right place! Find out exactly what it is each staff member on Starbound Warriors does and how we do it!

1 6 Staff Introductions
by Mivirie
Apr 27, 2020 0:02:30 GMT

Character Creations

No New Posts Create your Character

Create your character and invite them into the world!
Be sure to follow the character creation template and, after that, a staff member will read through and accept your character so you can role-play. Mark unfinished characters with WIP.

8 8 Hummingbirdshine | Gorseclan | Queen WIP
by theeriginals
Jan 26, 2023 14:17:59 GMT
No New Posts Adoptions

Want to create familiar links for character or want to adopt out your character so they can live on? This is where you can do it! Auction off characters, adopt them freely, be as strict (within reason) or as lenient as you wish so your character can find a new home.

5 6 Eri’s Adoptees
by theeriginals
Sept 28, 2022 16:02:52 GMT
No New Posts Breeding

Birds and the bees on the brain? Here you will find all information regarding the Breeding process. This includes mutations, genetic information and the thread where you can set your characters up for kits!

2 2 Breeding Form
by littlewing
Apr 23, 2020 18:06:28 GMT
No New Posts Accepted Characters - 1 Viewing

All characters that have been accepted and put into the correct allegiances will be placed in this board. They will be put into clan-specific folders, but will not be ranked by age or status.

Sub-boards: Outsider Accepted Characters, Afterlife Accepted Characters, Gorseclan Accepted Characters, Meadowclan Accepted Characters, Mossclan Accepted Characters, Coveclan Accepted Characters, Tribe of Painted Pools Accepted Characters

60 60 Emberpaw | Mossclan Apprentice
by stray
Jan 23, 2023 2:04:35 GMT


No New Posts MossClan Camp

MossClan camp is in an area of the territory that is higher than others, therefore allowing it to be dryer, and it is often kept in shadow due to especially heavy tree cover. Camp itself is often hard to spot, lest a cat knows what they are looking for. The dens are created from long dug out areas beneath roots poking above ground, with watertight walls fortified by mud and clay over lifetimes. It is not uncommon to find kits, and even young apprentices, playfully fighting each other in a game of “Leader of the Den” atop the Nursery. MossClan’s leader makes announcements from a uniquely twisted tree that is noticeable from any area of camp outside dens.

3 13 Boiling point! (a closed thread)
by meowbbi
Jan 23, 2023 20:40:51 GMT
No New Posts Fallen Cypress

Here lies a long fallen Cypress tree. This is where mentors and apprentices tend to train, as the area is relatively clear compared to the rest of the territory yet still surrounded by the forest they rely on; in addition, the tree is not too far from the camp and deep into MossClan territory. The area includes several oddly twisted trees and rocks poking from the ground as well, better fitting to a young apprentice to learn to climb. The heavy forest keeps most of the sounds of training from reaching camp. Disappointingly, prey tends not to gather near here due to the number of cats near at almost all times, although soft moss and other bedding is plentiful.

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No New Posts Lavender Grove

Central in this unusually open area of the forest is a large lavender tree. The thick and lush undergrowth slowly fades out as cats walk closer to the lavender tree centerpiece, until the only undergrowth left is soft, green grass disturbed only by roots. Some cats say the place has a special aura, though others see this only as a superstitious fantasy. Regardless, the grove is often peaceful with sun rays alighting the ground between branches and flowers. A large amount of herbs tend to grow here as well, making it a vital and well respected part of MossClan territory, though this may cause problems with CoveClan and MeadowClan as this area borders both territories.

2 3 Afternoon patrols
by theeriginals
Jan 27, 2023 1:28:23 GMT
No New Posts Whirling River

A part of the territory closest to the Gathering Island, and subsequently the Tribe of Painted Pools territory, where the river that surrounds the island splits off into two toward lower MossClan and upper GorseClan. The river passing MossClan is the one this part of the territory is named for; its aggressive nature splits to create the MossClan and GorseClan border. Overall, the area is particularly good for hunting as there is a variety of land and water prey to be found. Farther down the river are sets of stones that can be used to cross between the two territories, but cats must be wary even crossing at this spot; tensions are often as aggressive as the river.

1 7 A chit, a chat and...kits?
by amber
Jan 24, 2023 14:45:27 GMT


No New Posts Coveclan Camp

A coastal inlet opens into a wide pool, sheltered by a ceiling of rock. Small caves that were carved by the ocean are carefully lined with seagrapes, seaweed, and moss for the clan-cat’s comfort. Brightly colored flowers and shells can be found scattered about, thrown around gleefully by kits and apprentices alike.

1 9 Lazing in the Sun
by theeriginals
Feb 9, 2023 20:29:43 GMT
No New Posts The Outlook - 1 Viewing

A steep bed of sand leads down to the main Coveclan beach. It's easy to pick up speed, slide down, and tumble into the waves below; though if you walk carefully, you’ll be fine. On the top of the Outlook, flat stones stacked neatly together keep this area stable. Sunsets and sunrises are especially romantic here.

3 15 Familiar
by meowbbi
Jan 29, 2023 17:11:14 GMT
No New Posts Split-step Shore

As the river closes in towards the ocean, it splits into several smaller streams. Animals that can tolerate brackish waters, such as various crabs and fish, thrive between the rocks. Sand shifts with the tide and can easily give out if a cat walks too heavy-footed. Squishy aquatic vegetation coats the pebbly substratum of the streams.

1 1 Scorched Sun
by Pants
Dec 29, 2022 19:16:37 GMT
No New Posts The Rolling Reach

Towards the Meadowclan border, the hills begin to grow higher and greener. The land seems to move up and down in waves of small, hardy shrubs and flowers. Small pools may form here after hard rainfall and fill with nomadic species, such as frogs and crawfish. Skinny trees spottily gather around here and there, though most of the land is open.

3 7 Where the Moss Grows
by Dappledolly
Sept 27, 2022 22:57:32 GMT


No New Posts Meadowclan Camp

Nearly invisible to most, this camp s set in the biggest and safest building left from the ruins. It is located in a small stretch of forest and is well hidden by the surrounding mossy walls and large trees. The leader makes announcements from a branch on a massive beech tree located in the center of the camp. For dens, the nursery, leader’s den, and medicine den are all closer to the center, while the surrounding dens are settled within extra rooms and crevices around the stone structure. The entrance to the camp is formed by a small walk of stairs leading up to an arched opening in the walls.

1 1 Morning routines
by Mivirie
Jan 24, 2023 21:39:42 GMT
No New Posts Stormy Stone Valley

A beautifully scenic terrain with an open view of all the flowers, rolling hills, and mountains - but it is also considered one of the most dangerous lands as well. The name is not there to fool anyone, and very harsh storms are common to come through. Those who have heard nursery tales about what happens to cats that go through this territory during these rough thunderstorms know better than to venture out there. Regardless, this place is an excellent hunting spot on a sunny day, many prey settle their dens hidden inside the hillsides, and near the streams that lie at the bottom of the valley.

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Wading Willows

A clear shallow pond framed by long cattails and large Willow trees, this stretch of territory borders that of Coveclan, the marshy land under paw unmistakably a telltale trait. There are large roots that dive into the water where some perch on to hunt the bounty of fish or frogs located within the pond, while others who take in the dreamy atmosphere go to sunbathe on the many smooth rocks that overlook the clear waters. Many different wildflowers like lavender, daisies, valerian, and even some herbs grow around the marsh-like grounds here.

1 3 Two Birds, One Stone (Closed thread)
by stray
Jan 8, 2023 4:46:14 GMT
No New Posts Cleverclove Meadow

A small opening in the stretch of forest that connects with Mossclan is where you can find this green clover covered meadow. It is the closest area to the camp and has many ruin walls scattered around it. It is known to almost always carry a layer of mist, making it quite difficult to see. Which is exactly what makes it a great training spot. Many mentors and apprentices come here to train using the extra walls and mist to their advantage, learning how to deal with locating the enemy whilst under these vision impaired circumstances.

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No New Posts Gorseclan Camp

From many angles, the Gorseclan camp is entirely camouflaged, surrounded by what seems to be a large lump of unclimbable rocks and slippery gravel slope. Nestled within this is the home of the shrub-land cats. The main entrance is formed by one large stone, twisted into an arch that a few cats can walk under together at the same time. Dens are made in both hollowed-out stones from when the river used to run through here and dug out of nooks, crannies, and into the hillside. A small cold-water spring bubbles up from a pool right outside the camp. The leader makes announcements from a flat-topped stone above their den.

1 1 brittle but shiny [open]
by bits
Jun 7, 2020 20:19:59 GMT
No New Posts Valley of Spires

Further out from the rolling fields and the safety of camp, sand and soil is traded for stone and gravel. The terrain here is a lot harsher, and non-Gorseclan cats may find it difficult to traverse. There are a number of paths that previous generations have laid out to make travel here as smooth as possible. A small stream runs along the biggest major path. Following it leads you deeper into the valley as the walls grow around you and the rocks explode into spectacular formations. The source of the stream is a waterfall surrounded by imposing cliff faces; rowdy apprentices and foolhardy warriors often challenge each other to climb to the top.

2 6 The First Dawn (closed thread with Abbi)
by meowbbi
Dec 31, 2022 23:09:35 GMT
No New Posts Windswept Fields

An open expanse of tall dry grasses and shrubs, broken up by patches of soft dirt. Slash pines transition to woody plants the further one strays from the river. Despite the arid atmosphere, the fields are alive and green with drought-resistant plants. This is an excellent hunting ground with a variety of small mammals and birds taking refuge among the brushwood. Wildflowers bloom everywhere in the spring and summer. There is a small hill that overlooks the Fields that is particularly beautiful; there are a handful of smooth rocks perfect for sunbathing alone or for meeting with a crush.

3 9 When the Sun Sets || Closed
by littlewing
Feb 10, 2023 23:59:52 GMT
No New Posts The Tunnels

Underneath Gorseclan territory runs a complex system of caves and tunnels. Past residents of the area established them as strategic defenses and reserve hunting grounds. During the rainy season, the shallow stream that runs through the territory can flood some of the tunnels, rendering them unusable. There are landmarks within these caves to orient oneself, but since they are pitch-black save for a few rooms illuminated by glowing flora, a cat must find their way by using their other senses. It is ill-advised for cats of any age to enter alone.

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Tribe of Painted Pools

No New Posts The Stepping Stones - 1 Viewing

A lake surrounds a paw-shaped set of islands sit here, all covered in moss and small bits of shrubbery. To the faraway viewer, these islands might be completely invisible due to the high intensity fog. On the “palm” section of the islands, a cavern dips below water level to reveal a set of underground dens. The walls are thickly packed with moss to keep the Tribe home cavern relatively warm. Glowing mushrooms peeking through the cracks of mossy rock are tended to by all members of the Tribe, especially the to-bes and elders. Tunnels branch out to where the water-waders, range-guards, to-bes, kit-mothers, elders, and The Poolwalker rest, respectfully.

2 20 Helping the Poolwalker
by theeriginals
Oct 24, 2022 16:10:42 GMT
No New Posts Shallow Creek - 1 Viewing

A skinny offshoot of the river flows between Gorgeclan and the Tribe’s territory. The water is a bit brackish and has a wide array of small fish darting in and out of the gaps of craggy rocks. They’re good for a quick snack, but it may not be worth the tumble. Short trees line the edges of Shallow Creek and fade into rugged shrubbery as one strays away from the slow-moving water. Silty deposits are neatly tucked in-between exposed tree roots, housing many invertebrate species. Slimmer cats can take advantage of the nooks and crannies to try to fish, though must be careful to not get themselves wedged anywhere too tight. It takes special training for a cat to swim through the salty water.

1 1 Cool Breezes [Open]
by bits
Jun 3, 2020 22:38:17 GMT
No New Posts The Star Cliffs

Disorganized waterfalls criss-cross in path, raining down glittering water to the rivers and lake below. A cave opens up to a blue hue, gently lit by mushrooms. Besides the slow dripping on water from the salt-encrusted ceiling, the pool is completely silent. Both medicine cats and leaders come here to commune with Starclan, requiring the Tribe’s guidance to not slip (and because the Tribe insists that the clan cats don’t leave their line of sight). Only a few steps higher is the pool tribe cats attend to. This pool is much bigger and completely saline. Blue coral-like mushrooms grow at the bottom of the pool and emit soft light. Here, The Poolwalker comes to speak with Tribe ancestors. Little do the cats know, but both pools are connected.

2 34 Helping the Poolwalker (cont.)
by theeriginals
Oct 7, 2022 15:36:08 GMT
No New Posts Mallow Fields - 1 Viewing

This is the stretch of land right before Gathering Island and Mossclan. The ground can tend to be a bit…. squishy…. as the terrain shifts to rich undergrowth. Tall grass dotted with cattails wave gently in the breeze. Frogs songs go silent if you step too close. Watch out for mud-holes! Usually the slimy traps are just only a mouse-length wide, though during flooding season, they could prove to be dangerous. The Mallow fields stay waterlogged all year round with the only dry footing being half-sunken logs and raised hill-islands. Bird hunting is rich here.

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Outsiders Territory

No New Posts Slumbering Forest

Across the northern river, the foliage thins out and stretches onward between the coast and the Tribe's mountain range. The air carries the faint taste of sea salt, and it is humid and cool due to the mist drifting in from the Star Cliffs and Mossclan territory. This neutral forest is the perfect hunting ground for cats who enjoy running freely but also want cover to dunk into. Loner families often raise their kits here within tree roots and abandoned dens.

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No New Posts Hidden Hills

Rolling waves of grass sing a quiet tune of thanks to the soft glow of the sun. Wildflowers of all colors come together in pillowy patches and dot the landscape. Fat bees lazily hover around. Some rabbits live here, though you’ll have to be quick to catch them. This is a popular area for loners to inhabit and peacefully live amongst each other, doing their best to not overstep onto clan territory. A little group of cabins sits on the south end.

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts The Stone Fangs

The Stone Fangs are named for their spectacular stone formations, easily dwarfing the ones that can be found northward in Gorseclan. It’s a hotspot for territory conflict between rogues—despite the area’s terrifying name, it is prey-rich due to the nooks and crannies that can be found in every cliff face. Watch out, though! Large birds of prey make their nests in the highest crags. Two-legs can also infrequently be seen here, but they seem to stick to well-trodden, open paths.

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts No Cat's Land

Behind the Tribe’s set of mountains rests a quiet, barren landscape where few venture out. The rainshadow effect leaves moist of the moisture on the southern face, explaining why the Tribe has so many waterfalls and fog, but leaves not even a drop for No Cat’s Land. Dust tumbles around in a never-ending storm, changing the landscape in the blink of an eye. Local fauna, like insects and reptiles, only come out at night. Watch your step and don’t get lost.

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The Afterlife

No New Posts Tribe of Endless Hunting

Similar to Starclan in all things except terrain - this heavenly space is filled with jagged mountains that cause no damage to the paw pads that may tread upon them. Filled with the perfect weather and a sun that never seems to lose its warmth (even when it snows) thr Tribe of Endless Hunting is the perfect sanctuary for a cat being put to rest. The signature glowing mushrooms decorate this afterlife but, along with their glow, comes small stars that emerge and disappear into the air off of the spongy plants.

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No New Posts Tribe of Harrowed Howls - 1 Viewing

Much like the Dark Forest, the haunted mountainous range is pungent with the smell of death. Every step a cat takes sinks and sucks in their paw as though the ground is trying to swallow you whole with how hungry it is. The glints of what could be the glowing mushrooms that offer solace and beauty in the Tribe of Endless Hunting are more often than not the glint of snarling teeth. Prey is few and far between, and it is never satisfying. A constant pang of hunger drags down the ever-hungry cats who reside within this wretched place.

1 6 Bad meets Worse (closed thread with connie)
by littlewing
Jan 23, 2023 23:56:46 GMT
No New Posts The Dark Forest - 1 Viewing

Decaying, rotten and cold. The Dark Forest is perfect for any cat that had lived a life full of deceit, anger and murder. With winding forests and a suffocatingly thick fog, this forest is a labyrinth that takes moons upon moons to figure out. Any live cats that appear in the Dark Forest are subjected to not knowing how long they have been in this dying forest for. Whilst they would have slept through one night, it might have felt they had been trapped in there for a moon. Forever humid, damp, and rotten, this forest offers nothing but darkness and misery. Any prey that scuttles through here are pretty much skeletons and shells of what they would have been should they have been spawned in the Starclan grounds instead.

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No New Posts Starclan

A mirror image of the territories that rest upon the ground - Starclan is home to the rolling hills, the trees that stand strong and the water that rushes through the rivers. The only difference that comes with living in Starclan? All the bad weather that one may have experienced when alive does not exist. The stars that linger idly by the ground, pushed around easily by a simple breeze, ensure that the ground is forever rich with the nutrients and water needed. The ponds and streams are cool to lap at and are forever fresh. The prey that scurries around are simply there if an ancestor decides that they want to eat - but they are not bound by the Earthly ties that make them need food to survive.

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Out of Character

No New Posts Trackers and Plotters

Please post all general character-keeping and organizational threads here!

6 32 Character Trackers for Eri
by theeriginals
Jan 24, 2023 20:55:59 GMT
No New Posts Writing

A short story? A one shot? Share it here! Sometimes you want to develop your character without an interactive thread and they're always a treat to read.

3 8 Eri’s Library of Stinky Cats
by theeriginals
Oct 2, 2022 23:37:23 GMT
No New Posts Art

Created some art to do with this role-play? Throw it in here so we can appreciate it! You can also create a Stars Commission shop here so long as nothing is inappropriate and violates the rules.

2 6 ۞ Coding Resources ۞
by littlewing
Apr 27, 2020 20:53:21 GMT
No New Posts Events

Monthly challenges, site wide events and all fun games will be posted here!

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No New Posts Archives - 8 Viewing

Inactive/old threads are placed here for archival purposes.

Sub-boards: Characters, Mossclan, Coveclan, Meadowclan, Gorseclan, Tribe of Painted Pools, Outsiders, Writing, OOC/Misc.

7 13 Turtles All the Way Down | private
by Dappledolly
Jan 11, 2021 22:53:18 GMT
No New Posts Character Allegiances - 4 Viewing

All accepted characters will be placed here. Much like the Allegiances at the start of every Warriors book - this will include Clan cats, Tribe cats and outsiders.

7 7 Afterlife
by amber
May 5, 2020 21:55:23 GMT


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