Whirling River

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newBookmarkLockedFalling A chit, a chat and...kits?
amber 6 285 by amber
Jan 24, 2023 14:45:27 GMT


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Whirling River
A part of the territory closest to the Gathering Island, and subsequently the Tribe of Painted Pools territory, where the river that surrounds the island splits off into two toward lower MossClan and upper GorseClan. The river passing MossClan is the one this part of the territory is named for; its aggressive nature splits to create the MossClan and GorseClan border. Overall, the area is particularly good for hunting as there is a variety of land and water prey to be found. Farther down the river are sets of stones that can be used to cross between the two territories, but cats must be wary even crossing at this spot; tensions are often as aggressive as the river.
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