The Star Cliffs

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newBookmarkLockedFalling Helping the Poolwalker (cont.)
theeriginals 30 451 by theeriginals
Oct 7, 2022 15:36:08 GMT
newBookmarkLockedFalling A Jaunt Around the Cliffs
peppermint 2 226 by peppermint
Jun 3, 2020 2:04:16 GMT


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The Star Cliffs
Disorganized waterfalls criss-cross in path, raining down glittering water to the rivers and lake below. A cave opens up to a blue hue, gently lit by mushrooms. Besides the slow dripping on water from the salt-encrusted ceiling, the pool is completely silent. Both medicine cats and leaders come here to commune with Starclan, requiring the Tribe’s guidance to not slip (and because the Tribe insists that the clan cats don’t leave their line of sight). Only a few steps higher is the pool tribe cats attend to. This pool is much bigger and completely saline. Blue coral-like mushrooms grow at the bottom of the pool and emit soft light. Here, The Poolwalker comes to speak with Tribe ancestors. Little do the cats know, but both pools are connected.
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